In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (GDPR), the employee information and express consent form on the protection of personal data is listed on this page.

This clarification text (in short, the Company or and how all your personal data kept within the Company are processed around your business relationship, the data types of the processed data, the purposes of processing this data, the sharing/transfer of the data with the necessary institutions and organizations, the physical or It has been prepared with the aim of informing its employees about electronic media and how the data of the Company’s employees are protected.

Due to the employer-employee relationship between you and, your personal data such as your identity information, phone number, home address, photo, in-house reports, performance evaluations, personality inventories, ability and knowledge tests, documents showing financial situation, promotion or job change evaluation records , disciplinary investigations, health reports, salary information, absenteeism information, business travels, insurance, bank account information, working hours, video records recorded with a closed-circuit security camera system (CCTV), your TR ID photocopy, resume information, benefits offered to you, age, gender, marital status, spouse or other emergency contact information;, which always has access to the laptop computer entrusted to you only for activities in accordance with the employment contract, has access to log records and all kinds of stored data that enable it to track all activities carried out on the laptop, and location information received only during working hours via telephone. and on our electronic servers in accordance with the purposes listed below.

Apart from the aforementioned data, mkworx, defined as special quality data within the scope of the Law; Race, ethnicity, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect, information and reports on your health status, biometric and genetic data, other information about your spouse and/or children, including your disability, criminal record information, health insurance, and union It also processes some of your data, such as membership and association membership, within the framework of the following purposes.

Detailed information on the matters covered by this Clarification Text can be accessed from the Mkworx Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy at

I) Data Controller

Mkworx (shortly Address: ——– Data controller under the law.

II) Personal Data Processing Purposes, Collection Methods and Legal Reasons

  • To fulfill our legal obligations, including our obligations under the Labor Law No. 4857, the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510 and other relevant primary and/or secondary legislation,
  • To fulfill our obligations in all legal transactions, including the employment contract we will sign with you,
  • To process for any legitimate purpose, including to ensure occupational safety and health; To regulate all records and documents in line with the purpose of processing in electronic or paper environment, To comply with the information storage, reporting and information obligations stipulated by the legislation, relevant regulatory institutions and other authorities.
  • Establishing, asserting and defending legal claims,
  • Supporting the professional and career development of the employees, Management and evaluation of the recruitment processes, Planning the performance evaluation processes and remuneration of the employees, Managing the benefits granted to the employees,
  • Investigation of violations and suspicions of violations of the Company rules and Laws, and execution of related transactions, and in this context, auditing the content of communication made over the hardware and software provided by the Company and/or within the scope of the Company’s studies,
  • Access control to buildings for security reasons,
  • Occupational health and Safety,
  • Employee travel and expense management.
  • Making emergency preparations and conducting operations, Providing communication in case of accident, loss and other emergencies.
  • Processing of lawsuits and enforcement files, Delivery of official notifications and shipments via cargo or courier to the recipient, SGK, İŞKUR and Law Enforcement Forces notifications, Creation and follow-up of personnel files, Keeping personnel files after leaving work,
  • Carrying out customer relations efficiently and effectively, ensuring customer satisfaction,
  • Printing business cards, Making in-company bulk sms, e-mail and other announcements, Ensuring all kinds of communication within the company, Defining an e-mail account,
  • Creation, protection and control of information security, keeping Internet log records,
  • Use of computer programs and applications used in the workplace in accordance with the procedures, Giving motor vehicle, telephone, computer, internet password as a requirement of the task, Conducting the work of company vehicles, employee and 3. follow-up for personal security and administrative and legal reasons
  • Execution of permit processes, request and approval and all kinds of permit matters,
  • Making individual retirement transactions and following up on retirement transactions,
  • Ensuring entrance and exit to the workplace and its annexes, Issuing magnetic cards for entrances to the workplace and its annexes, Keeping the records of the services to and from work,

Mkworx will be able to process your personal data collected or to be processed during your business relationship for the above-mentioned purposes from time to time in order to continue the business relationship, and in case your personal data may change over time, these data will be updated upon your and mkworx’s request.

III) To Whom and For What Purpose Personal Data Can Be Transferred

Your personal and private personal data specified in Article 1 of this text, for the purposes specified in this clarification text, institutions or organizations permitted by the Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Procedure Law and other legislation provisions, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Social Security Institution, Information Technologies and Communication Authority, Institutions and organizations such as the Ministry of Interior and judicial authorities due to the security investigation of the Personal Data Protection Authority, Our direct/indirect domestic/foreign shareholders, subsidiaries and/or affiliates, as mkworx, we receive contractual services to carry out our activities. may be transferred to domestic/foreign individuals and/or organizations with which we cooperate.

IV) Sharing Your Personal Data with Third Parties Abroad

9 of the Personal Data Protection Law. Even if adequate protection is not determined and announced in the country to which the personal data will be transferred, to persons and organizations in foreign countries with adequate protection determined and announced by the Personal Data Protection Board, as stated in Article 4 of the Law 4 /2nd. According to the article, it can be transferred abroad with explicit consent or without explicit consent within the scope of articles 5/2 and 6/3 of the law.

In addition, your personal and private data can be hosted on foreign servers and kept in the foreign cloud.

V) Security of Your Personal Data


a) to prevent the unlawful processing of personal data,

b) to prevent unlawful access to personal data,

c) is obliged to take all kinds of legal, technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security while carrying out data processing activities in order to ensure the protection of personal data.

It is important that your personal data is accurate and up-to-date. You have the right and obligation to contact the Company immediately if any information is inaccurate or out of date. The Company will correct, update, delete or remove such information.

VI) Legal Rights Regarding Personal Data as Required by Law

To the extent that your data is processed by mkworx and mkworx processes your data as a data controller, it is in accordance with Article 11 of the Law. your personal data by sending a written application to the above-mentioned company address, by registered letter with return receipt or by notary public or in person by submitting your identity card;

  • Learning whether any of your personal data has been processed;
  • Requesting information regarding the processing activities of your personal data;
  • Learning the purposes of processing your personal data;
  • If personal data has been transferred to third parties in the country or abroad, learning these persons;
  • Requesting correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed;
  • To request the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring the processing of personal data disappear or the Company does not have a legal basis or legitimate interest to process the said data;
  • Requesting the Company to ensure that third parties, also authorized by the Company, who process personal data respect your rights under this section;
  • Objecting to adverse results that may arise as a result of processing personal data through automated systems, and;
  • If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data, you have the right to demand compensation for this damage.
  • You can send your questions about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data to the Human Resources Department in writing.

VII) Your Obligations

You must ensure that every personal data you have access to is processed in accordance with the Law and other legal regulations. This obligation applies equally to the employees and customers of the Company and to third parties whose data is processed. You should not use such personal data in connection with the purposes of your service relationship with the Company and to the extent required by these purposes. It should be known that otherwise, it is a violation not only of the Law, but also of your employment contract and the Labor Law.

If you provide us with the personal data of a third party (for example, the contact information of the person to be contacted in an emergency), you are deemed to have accepted that the said person has given you explicit consent to the processing of his/her data within the scope of the Law, that the necessary disclosure has been made to him, and that he has accepted the confidentiality notices in advance. .

By signing the section below, I declare that I have read and understood the above information, that my Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data are collected, processed, and 3rd party, both abroad and in the country, for the purposes, scope and categories specified in this text, during the legal period. I consent to its transfer to individuals, that I have been informed with the Clarification Text above regarding my rights under the Law, that the information I have given to the Company is correct, complete and truthful, that I will immediately notify mkworx of the change or update in case this information changes, I accept, declare and undertake that I fully consent to the said articles.

13 of the Law No. 6698. 1 of the article. In accordance with the paragraph, you can send your request to mkworx in writing or by other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. Since the Personal Data Protection Board has not determined any method at this stage, you must submit your application in writing to mkworx in accordance with Law No. 6698.

Explicit Consent Text

Pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“GDPR”), for what purpose my personal data will be processed by mkworx (“”), to whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred, the method and legal reason for collecting personal data, and . I was informed about my other rights listed in the article.

In this context, I accept that I have been given the necessary information, that I have read and understood this text, the Customer Information Text in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Legislation, and that my phone number, e-mail address, name and surname, and other personal data of purchasing habits provided by tracking, campaign and package information services, guiding on products and services, providing information on campaigns, promotion, marketing and campaign activities for the aforementioned services and products through social media, search engines, etc. mkworx In case I participate in the .com online surveys, I request that the above-mentioned information be processed within the scope of the above-mentioned information in order to improve the website and online services, to affiliates, to the aforementioned 3. I consent to its transmission to individuals.

In terms of the listed information and documents; It will be accepted by the CUSTOMER that has the right to retain, save, store, process and share these information and documents. Again, in terms of this information and documents, I irrevocably accept, declare and undertake that I have consented / consented to the use, processing, transfer of sensitive personal data owned / to be owned by and the transfer of data and special quality personal data abroad when necessary. will be counted.